
  • Front Desk Receptionists
  • Call Queues

What you need to know:

The Receptionist Client is a web-based tool that runs in a separate browser. It’s supported by Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. It combines your telephone handset with a desktop interface that makes it easy for you to direct calls to staff, wherever they are. Note: Common Directories, a set of external contacts which are available to all Enterprise and Site specific users, is not currently enabled for Webex Calling.

1. Dynamic Monitoring of Contacts

Dynamic Monitoring allows you to view the line status of selected contacts in your company on an as needed basis. For example – If you receive a call for a contact that you don’t have as a favorite and you want to see the line status of the contact before you transfer the call, you can select to monitor that contact as needed.

To request to dynamically monitor a contact, in the Enterprise or Group directory click the contact. This updates the contact’s call state in real time.

Note: The maximum number of contacts is 100. When that limit is reached, the first contact you monitored is unselected and will stop being monitored. Also, if you check the box to save your workspace when you sign out of the Receptionist, the contacts you selected to dynamically monitor will be saved for subsequent sign-ins.

2. Static Monitoring of Contacts

The Receptionist allows you to monitor when other users are on or off the phone. There are two types of monitoring – Static and Dynamic.

Static Monitoring is used if you typically monitor the same contacts each day. These contacts are assigned in your Admin Portal and appear in t. Up to 200 contacts may be statically monitored. Please contact your administrator if you want to statically monitor contacts.

After you configure the monitored contacts, you’ll see the line status of these users in the Monitored tab of Contacts panel. The various line states can be Idle, Busy, Ringing, Call Forward, or Do Not Disturb.

The icon next to the contacts name is:

  • Green when that contact is idle
  • Red when that contact is busy and on the phone
  • Yellow when a call is ringing in on that contact’s line
  • A red arrow when the contact has enabled Call Forwarding Always on their line
  • The Do Not Disturb icon when that contact has enabled Do Not Disturb

3. Personal Contacts and Speed Dials

To add a personal contact:

  1. On the Personal tab, click Edit. The Edit Personal Contacts window opens.
  2. Click Add. A new line appears below the existing entries, allowing you to enter a name and phone number.
  3. In the Name box, enter the contact’s name or description as you want it to appear in the contacts list. In the Number box, enter the phone number of the contact.
  4. To save the entry, click anywhere in the dialog box outside the entry.

To update a personal contact:

  1. On the Personal tab, click Edit. The Edit Personal Contacts window opens.
  2. Double-click the entry you want to change. Update the contact’s information as needed.
  3. To save the changes, click anywhere in the dialog box outside the entry.

To delete a personal contact:

  1. On the Personal tab, click Edit. The Edit Personal Contacts window opens.
  2. Select the entry you want to delete, and then click Delete.

To add, update, or delete speed dial contacts, follow these same steps.

4. Adding a Note to a Contact

To add a note to contact:

  1. Select the contact you want, and then click the Notes link.
  1. Type the note. For example – “On vacation until the 12th.”
  2. When you’re finished, click OK. Your note is saved.
  3. To view saved notes, click the Notes link by that contact.

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