On the initial screen did you use your email address in the format <Firstname>.<Lastname>@exelaonline.com?

If yes then we need to check what your computer is resolving in DNS. To do this we need to open the command prompt. To open the command prompt press the Windows Key + R. A window will pop-up. Enter in the pop-up “cmd”.

In the command prompt we need to use nslookup. In the window enter nslookup (Press Enter Key). We will then need set nslookup to find SRV (Service) records. To do this enter set type=srv (Press enter key)

Query the following records

  • _cisco-uds._tcp.exelaonline.com
  • _cuplogin._tcp.exelaonline.com

If your nslookup’s do not look like the above, contact your local desktop support team so they can check your DNS configuration.

DO NOT USE THE ADVANCED SETTINGS LINK. Manual configurations will NOT be supported by the UC team.
