
  • Front Desk Receptionists
  • Placing and Answering Calls
  • Transferring Calls
  • Managing Conference Calls

1. Placing Calls

1. To dial a number that is not stored in your contacts, use the Dialer. Then, enter the phone number and click Dial. The call will be placed to the specified number and will appear in the Calls panel.

2. To redial the last number you called, click Redial. A list of recently dialed numbers is displayed. Select the number to call and the call will be placed.

You can also redial a recently placed a call by typing the number into the Dialer and a list of recently called numbers will appear. Select the number to dial, and then click Dial.

  1. You can use any directory in the Contacts pane to dial a contact, Call History, or you
    can perform a search to dial a specific contact.
  2. To dial a contact, in the Contacts pane, expand the directory from which you want to
    dial a contact.
  3. Click the contact you want to call.
  4. Click any of the options: Show – Call, which represents that user’s direct line, Ext for
    Extension, or MOB for Mobile. Your call is placed to the specified number.

Note: The buttons that appear under a contact are based on the numbers they have saved in their contact information. For example, a contact has the MOB button if their mobile number is stored in their user account.

  1. To perform a search to dial a contact – use the search panel in the Contacts pane to
    search for the contact in your contact directories. Type the name or number of the
    contact you’re searching for. Select the contact, and then select the call action; Call,
    Extension, or Mobile.
  2. To place an outbound call with an outbound caller ID other than the default number,
    select that number from the list.

2. Answering Calls

  1. To answer a call using the Receptionist, click Answer. Please note – You can also
    answer a call using the call notification window by clicking anywhere in the window.
  2. To place an active call on hold, from the Call Console, move the mouse over the call you
    want to put on hold, then click Hold.
  3. To resume a held call, click Answer.
  4. You can also handle multiple calls from the Call Console. If you’re on an active call and
    receive a new incoming call, click Answer to receive the new call. Your first call will
    automatically be placed on hold. You can use the Hold and Answer buttons to move
    between the two calls.
  5. To end an active call, click End.

3. Transferring Calls

There are several ways to transfer a call, including blind transfer, transfer with consultation, and transfer to queue.

To transfer a call to another number without introducing the caller to the destination party, use a blind transfer. You can blind transfer calls that are active, on hold, or ringing (inbound). For inbound calls, the system redirects the call before it’s answered.

To use a blind transfer a call to a different number:

  1. From the Calls panel select the call to transfer.
  2. In the Dialer, enter the destination number, and then click Transfer. The call is transferred and removed from the Calls panel.

To blind transfer a call to a contact:

  1. From the Calls panel, select the call to transfer.
  2. In the Contacts pane, expand the panel from which you want to select a contact.
  3. Hover over the destination contact, and then click Transfer. The call is transferred and removed from the Call panel.

To transfer a call with an introduction to the destination party, use a call with consultation transfer. You can transfer a call with consultation when a call is active, held, or ringing (inbound) on your phone. For inbound calls, the system redirects the call before it’s answered.

To transfer a call with consultation:

  1. Make a call to the person to which you want to transfer the call and your first call will automatically be placed on hold.
  2. Wait until the called party accepts your call and speak to the party.
  3. When you’re ready to transfer the call, from the Calls console, hover over the active call, and click Transfer.

The calls are connected and removed from the Calls panel.

To transfer calls directly to voicemail:

  1. To transfer a call directly to another party’s voicemail, in the Call Console panel select the call you want to transfer.
  2. In the Contacts pane, expand the Group or Enterprise directory and find the contact.
  3. Hover over the contact, and then click VM.

Conference Calls

To manage conference calls, use the Conference Panel.

You can start a multi-party conference call in one of two ways:

1. While on an active call, place a call to another party using the Dialer or dialing from your Contacts. After the third-party answers, click the Conference button. You can see the conference you started in the Conference Pane. Repeat this process to add more people to the call.

  1. To drop a specific party from the conference, select their call form the Conference
    panel, and then click End. To leave the conference but not end the conference for the
    other parties, click the Leave Conference button.
  2. Select one of the calls in the Call Panel, hover over the other call you want to join, and
    then click the Conference button. All 3 parties are joined to the conference.

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